Friday 2 November 2012

Reynolds' Rebody & Repaint

This report is rather late but for those who are interested Reynolds Coaches of Caister VanHool Alizee 7289DD  has undergone a rebody and repaint into Reynolds new livery just like the other VanHool Alizee did (BEZ3139) owned by the independent operator July last year. (See East Norfolk Bus Blog Report.)
7289DD in Acle High Street after Rebody & Repaint
with new Fleet Names

It looks very smart and has been given new name "Lady Samantha". When it was in to old livery She carried the name "Lady Eleanor". 

7289DD on September 2012 in Acle after Rebody,
 but without Fleet Names.
7289DD was pictured in September by Zak after rebody without Fleet Names in Acle.
This leaves Dennis Javelin 221WPH as the only bus left in Reynolds fleet sporting the old livery.

My thanks to Zak Nelson for allowing me to use his pictures. They both remain Copyrighted to him.

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