Whilst shopping in the city this afternoon with my family, I managed to get five minutes at the bus station to do a bit of spotting.
When I arrived, the first thing I noticed is two Konectbuses, 612 and 408. 408 had just come off the 6, and was being taken over by 612, a bus branded for the 3 and 6.
FirstNorwich 53120 was noted on Queens Street lacking her flip-dot desti - this has no doubt been removed ready for leaving FirstNorwich when management decide on replacement buses. |
Norfolk Green 14 was out on the X29 this afternoon. She's seen here resting at the bus station. |
I also noticed 33055 sat on St Stephen's with missing branding on the front left window, similar to the missing branding on 33003. |
AN61LAN (439) was out on the 140/6 today. One of the Gas buses must've been poorly! |
For more photos, visit my Flickr.