Friday 29 November 2013

Fleet Update ~ Konectbus

ex-Anglianbus Optare Tempo 415 YJ06FZK has entered service within the last couple of weeks, with her blue livery now complete with fleet names. She is seen here in the yard yesterday afternoon during a break in her duties. Thanks to David Smith for the photo which remains copyright to him.

© David Smith


  1. Have you noticed how konect cherry pick all the new Anglian vehicles, leaving Anglian all the old crap? Hedenham will be at the bottom of the pile. Mr Patterson looking after his own interests. Anglian left in the un-capable hands of Mr Eden who is quickly killing it. Bunch of idiots.

  2. Anglian still have their 13 x 13/62 reg gas buses, eight OmniLinks and five Versas. Transferring the Tempos to one base makes sense. Transferring the MAN engined Versas to one base also makes sense. Managing change is never easy but Mr Patterson and Mr Eden seem to be doing a grand job to me.

    Anonymous 29/11/13 14:51 is the true idiot here!

    1. Hmm.. We'll see who's right. Btw, i know exactly what is going on behind the scenes. I am not staff or a passenger, but trust me, i know what I'm talking about.

  3. Anglian had to shrink to be re built under the new management system. Within a couple of years, all the buses will be in the new livery and the fleet will be growing again! :)

    1. And you know this how?? New livery, whoopee.

  4. Can someone tell me who locally has a better fleet than Anglian? I've been on some of Konect's Tempos and they are completely utterly awful! The only thing Anglian could do is put better seats in 550 - 553

  5. I was a regular user of anglian and they are so unreliable now, Eden and Patterson have killed them and both (especially Eden) need sacking. (I now use First by the way)

    Ironically, first have been improving rapidly since a certain Mr Eden left, coincidence? - no! The man is a numpty!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Commenting as a different Anonymous... 415 was operating on the 2 today, it still has its TV fitted, however it was predictably off. I do note that the seats behind the driver haven't got a bar to keep the person on the seat and I was unfortunate to fall off the seat as we went round a corner. Oops!

  8. Thank you for the update! Maybe try sitting in a different seat next time then! Haha I hope you didn't get hurt :)

  9. How do I know about the new livery? Because I know that the anglian management are working very hard to improve the company and part of that is the rebranding of the buses. I highly doubt that they want to operate the two oldest buses in the new livery and keep the others in the old one. As soon as they have enough money to do it, they will.

  10. I have defended Anglian so I think I have a right to say this, but I think the new livery is awful and a step backwards. There is nothing wrong with the current livery - it is striking and recognisable. I also think curves are better than straight lines. Just my opinion.

  11. As someone who is a regular transport journalist, I'd just like to say that the anons may well know more than you folks do - a company isn't likely to tell as much information to someone they know documents their goings on for all to see, as much as they would someone who they know will keep it quiet.

  12. We are not suggesting that we do know everything that is going on. What I personally do object to is the comments saying that the management are purposefully ruining the company. That is certainly not true and I object to those comments being published on my blog.

  13. Since when have journalists gained a reputation for keeping things quiet hahahahaha!!!

  14. Zak, What is the point of a comment forum if you don't like what some people say?? Oh sorry, its your own personal blog! Contacts from the companies will only tell you what they want you to hear. Anon 2nd Dec got it right, I do know exactly what goes on behind the scenes and how I know is my little secret. Have you read the comments about Anglian on twitter lately? Go-ahead are to blame but passengers and staff are the ones suffering.

  15. They tell me most things, but I choose which parts to publish. I am only saying that no management in their right mind would want to ruin a company, no matter what company that is.

  16. Anonymous is clearly loving people replying to him (or her).

    A simple solution is to just ignore him.


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