Tuesday 14 January 2014

Gallery Feedback

After spending ages trying to figure out a way to include a gallery of sorts into the blog, I finally went live a few weeks ago with the feature you see today. I set up a small poll on the side of the page to see how many of you liked it, and how many of you did not. The result is as follows:

A good amount of you voted and I thank you for that, however it seems I may have some room for improvement on the feature as more than half you said that you don't like it. Now, as I didn't create a "Room for improvements" option, I am hoping that if I had done so, the majority of "No" votes would have changed. 

This blog is run by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts and for that reason, I would like your feedback regarding the Gallery! If you really can't stand the feature, have ideas for it's development or already love it then please get in touch on zak.nbp@gmail.com and let me know. A big thanks to those who took the poll.

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