Monday 24 February 2014

Showbus 2014

As you are all probably aware, Showbus is a large annual bus rally that usually takes place at Duxford Air Museum. This year, it will take place on Sunday 21st September. 

I am pleased to announce that local enthusiast Rob Collins is in the process of organising a coach to and from the event with pick up points in Beccles, Lowestoft, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth and Norwich. The overall cost of booking is estimated to be around £20. This includes the travel AND entry to the event. 

If you are interested in coming along, please email to express an interest so he can get an idea of numbers. I myself am planning on going, as I've never been to a Showbus event before (disgraceful isn't it) and its a great opportunity to meet like minded people and share a day doing something we all enjoy.

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