Thursday 3 September 2015

Depot Vist ~ Anglianbus

With the news of two of Anglian's StreetLites being repainted white recently, I ventured to the depot this afternoon in the hope of being able to photograph them. Upon arrival, I was greeted with the site of 352 MX60BWJ sitting pretty in the workshop on the rolling road with a host of mechanics around her. After waiting for a good five minutes, I managed to grab the attention of a man who had come out of the office. I was initially told to 'get off the site, coz I don't want anybody on here', but not wanting my trip to be wasted, I asked what I should do to gain permission to take photos. This was to talk to Anglian's new depot manager, Allistair Strong. So I walked round to reception and asked if he was available and after about a minute's wait, I was greeted with a firm handshake by a smart, cheery chap who introduced himself as the new depot manager. After a brief chat about the StreetLites, he then explained that he'd be more than happy for me to photograph any buses I like here, and escorted me round to where the StreetLites were parked.

352 MX60BWJ looking fabulous in white, ready to be collected by Mistral
and sister 350 MX60BWH has also been repainted
For those who were unaware, the five year lease on these buses has now ran out and Anglian has decided not to renew it, therefore the batch of four are to be sent back to the dealer where they will no doubt be sold or leased out again to another company.

350 and 352 are the only ones to be painted, whilst 351 MX60BWK and 353 MX60GXA were also present on my visit, still wearing their AnglianBus livery. All are due to be at Mistral by the end of the month.

Talking of white buses, I noted long term loanee 214 YW14FHS, an Alexander Dennis Enviro200 working the 60 this afternoon.

A big thanks must go to Allistair Strong for taking time out of what must be a busy schedule to allow me to photograph the buses.

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