Thursday 28 January 2016

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Adam Wilkie has sent us this pic of it at the depot.
I've received an email which was sent in reporting the whereabouts of Sander's latest addition, 402 YH63CXF a VDL SB200 Wright Pulsar 2 which used to operate with Fishwicks.

"I am not a local but have picked up on your excellent website from a friend. You may already know that this vehicle (YH63CXF) has arrived? I passed it coming onto the A1 heading South yesterday whilst driving my articulated lorry, and it subsequently overtook me again. I then lost it for a while but passed again as it had stopped in a lay-by for a break. Unfortunately I saw it too late to be able to stop and take a photo but it was already in fleet livery."

It's great to think that NBP's net seems to be spreading wider and wider and I'd like to encourage any other non-local readers to get in touch! Where are you from and how did you hear about the blog?

A big thanks to Tony for alerting me to the arrival of 402, and I hope the roads are kind to you during the remainder of winter.

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