Friday 5 February 2016

City College Exam Buses

one of First's Routemasters, NML623E, seen at Hemsby
operating their Summer only service 3 in 2013
I was contacted the other day by First with information about a number of extra buses which will be taking City College students to the Norfolk Showground to sit their exams next week. This is simply because there isn't enough space on the campus for the vast amount of students to all take their exams at the same time, so some have been allocated to take the trip down the A47.

The service has been registered as the 100 which is often used by First for special events, and as always, at least one Routemaster will be operating it on Tuesday the 9th, Wednesday the 10th and Thursday the 11th. This will be joined by either the second Routemaster or the remaining Olympian in the fleet which is based in Great Yarmouth. There will also be three other double deckers and two coaches plus other vehicles in the Simonds and Norse fleet. Buses are expected to leave the Southwell Gates by the pedestrian crossing and bus stop at about 0815 each morning.

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