Saturday 19 March 2016

Berkhof Repainted

Thanks to a regular contributor for making me aware that one of Sanders' new Berkhof vehicles would be operating from Carrow Road to West Brom today for the Canaries latest match in the battle to avoid relegation. Thanks to him, I managed to photograph 806 YJ12CHK resplendent in her new colours on Riverside this morning alongside the usual crop of vehicles used which I've described in past posts. She has been given the name "Jasmine".

Also yet unreported on this blog is the arrival of another two VDL SB200 Wright Pulsar 2. One is ex-Fishwicks which is numbered 400 and registered YJ64FWF whilst the other came from Arriva and is 408 YJ60GDX. They are the eighth and ninth of the type to enter the fleet.

I'd also like to apologise for the recent lack of posts. As well as it being a quiet week in the area, I've also been away in Yorkshire so I hope to write a number of short reports about my trip in the coming weeks when nothing is happening here!

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