Tuesday 22 March 2016

BorderBus Demo Pics

As promised, I ventured out with my camera today to spot BorderBus' demo Enviro200MMC. Armed with information from Andrew Pursey about which diagram it would be working I headed for Loddon to photograph the 1210 Norwich to Southwold service. I made it in good time, and positioned myself on the bypass due to the fact that the 146 doesn't go into the village itself. With the sun shining I was confident of getting a good shot or two. That was when the traffic came. And then the sun went in. I will not publish the photograph that came of it but I will say it was probably the worst bus photo I've ever taken and resulted in me cursing a lot and kicking my own car in frustration.

So not wanting to have wasted my day or my petrol, I decided to head to Beccles to wait for the bus to come back on the 1445 Southwold to Norwich service as Beccles has a lot more buses than Loddon! After spotting a couple of BorderBus' other vehicles and a selection from First and Anglian, finally the time came and right on cue YX65RKK pulled into the bus station. I quickly photographed it and then jumped in my car to drive down to Gillingham Dam in an attempt to get a better backdrop. 
Having read my post, I recommend you go over to Steve's Bus & Train Page where Steve has published an excellent 'exclusive' report about the Enviro200MMC with some even more 'exclusive' photos on his blog which can be seen by clicking the link above. He also reports another standard Enviro200 has been acquired on a permanent basis and will be registered BB60BUS (YX11CSZ).

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