Wednesday 20 April 2016

Pink Line Picture Special

This last week or so have been very pink, and I'm afraid it's about to get pinker! Today saw the first day of operation for Norwich's new batch of Wright StreetDecks, seven of which are branded for the Pink Line with two in First's standard livery. All of the new buses were out today, with regular livery 35201 SK16GWA making her debut a bit later on the 1807 out of Castle Meadow to Sprowston.

With the sun shining, I ventured out to photograph the vehicles in and around Cringleford and I will share my best shots here with you, sorted into fleet number order.

35193 on Dragonfly Lane
35194, a bit further down Dragonfly Lane
35195 on Roundhouse Way
35196 on a roundabout at Colney Lane
35197 on Colney Lane near Cringleford Church
35198 on the roundabout on Colney Lane
35199 also on the Colney Lane roundabout
35200 on Roundhouse Way
More pictures will be added to my flickr in due course.

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