Thursday 23 June 2016

First Gemini Update and Anglian Update

ex-First Leeds 36183 BN12JYF and 36184 BN12JYG both entered service in Norwich yesterday, whilst 36181 BF12KXU is in service in Great Yarmouth on loan. On the Blue Line front, 36166 BD11CFK has now been repainted and is awaiting her new style branding to be applied. Andrew Berry and Bryan Dickson have sent me the following pictures of her at Simon Morris in Ipswich.

© Bryan Dickson
© Andrew Berry
Sister vehicle 36179 BD11CDY is now receiving the same treatment.

Over at Anglianbus, I have been contacted by an employee of the company who has informed me that they will still be operating the 80 and 81 services on a commercial basis, whilst BorderBus will operate their 580 route between Bungay and Yarmouth as competition. The Diss end of the route is also up for tender, and we should know the final details within the next couple of weeks.

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