Friday 1 July 2016

Blue Line Bonanza

36179 arriving at Roundtree Way this afternoon
I'm afraid it's more coverage of the Blue Line today, with the second bus returning in the new paint job whilst another has headed down to Ipswich in return. 36167 BD11CFM is the fourth vehicle to arrive at Simon Morris, joining 36169 BD11CFO which is midway through treatment at the moment. Thanks to 36167s departure, 36179 BD11CDY has returned home and was placed straight inside the depot to have the interior branding applied. The adverts include a friendly welcome message, route and ticketing information, amongst others which will compliment twelve unique rear adverts we can all have fun trying to spot. 36179 carries "for coffee & cake with the blues" and will be at Roundtree Way over the weekend before entering service next week.

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