Monday 25 June 2012

Another First President Breakdown

32201, the president in question
Driving down the A47 this afternoon at approximately 16:30 I noticed that a FirstEC Plaxton President had broken, which was causing tailbacks as far as the Blofield Round about (which is quite a long way considering it was near the Trowse turn off!) The vehicle in question is 32201 LT52WTF. This is the latest in a series of First Plaxton Presdent breakdowns, Is First at fault? Or is just the unreliabilty of the Presidents? When you take in to consideration two caught fire at Postwick not to long a go, one was a Norse President the other was a First President.

LT52WTF is based at the Great Yarmouth Caister Road depot.

As you can see from the pictures below the queses were considerably long!

Unidentified First X1 Gemini heading for Kings Lynn held up in the queues. 

Very long tailback between Postwick & Trowse

Queues as far as the eye can stretch!
So if you were one of the those held up in that, You know who to thank.................First!

1 comment:

  1. Haha well a few weeks ago I was on a brokrn down bus the same one pictured on the 13 route Norwich ti Attleborough. Again on Monday 25th June I was on another broken down decker the same one pictured just on Wymondham, and believe it or not there was a broken down decker president just outside the Wymondham police station as we went passed! To my great suprise a passenger said to the driver 'it was his second broken down bus in one day'. First in Norwich needs either new buses or to actually look after them!!!


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