Thursday, 24 January 2013

More trouble on the Anglian buses!

Anglianbus 414 YN07EZB in Great Yarmouth in June 2011

Anglian buses YN07EZB & YN07LFU have transferred to the Rackheath depot now Anglian has more MAN EcoCitys at Beccles arriving, AU58AUV is expected to follow soon if it hasn’t already.

YN07EZB first day in service at Rackheath wasn’t very successful as this morning it broke down as it left the depot on 731 Service duties, after mechanics got the bus running it was running 30 minutes late much to the annoyance of the bus driver. The bus then had trouble in Upton after it picked up passengers it wouldn’t move again a full ten minutes later the bus decided it was ready to go again, it picked up passengers in Acle then made its way through stokesby when it decided to breakdown again. It was making all sorts of bleeping noises and the engine was getting louder and louder all by itself then it smelt like it was burning, after the driver had had a very heated argument on the phone with the Rackheath depot manager he finally agreed to send out a replacement bus from Norwich, plus a Fleet Support van. A very fast responding AnglianBus Fleet Support AO10FPE arrived in 10 mins after the phone call and the same mechanic got the bus running again. During this time brokendown in Stokesby the bus driver also had numerous arguments with truck drivers who were shouting at the bus driver to move, the driver called them think for not noticing he was broken down, it was very chaotic! Anyway to cut a very long story short YN07EZB made into Yarmouth a full hour late. Something that amused me was the Bu s Driver never phoned up his boss again to tell him not to bother with the replacement bus! Whether YN07EZB broke down again on A47 duties throughout the day I don’t know but I think it’s fair to say it’s likely it probably did as it was in quite a bad state in the Morning

Also, Alan Phipps reports that R82EMB broke down on the A47 Norwich bound yesterday after the engine was over heating, that too had the bleeping noise and red warning light on driver dashboard.

Image Copyright to Steven Hughes and used under the Creative Commons License.

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