Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Norwich based firm to sell up

Peoplemovers Coaches, who are based in Taverham, have decided they are to sell their business. On the 10th of January thieves broke into the depot on Fir Covert Road and stole a Mercedes Benz Sprinter (R30 PLE) which was converted last summer by Peoplemovers into a luxury minibus. The theives ripped all the seats out and left them on site and took the Sprinter away with them, full of tools taken from the workshop. Other businesses based at the Felthorpe industrial were also targeted. The total damage to the vehicle was an estimate £3.500.
Peoplemovers started in 1999 operating one minibus, and moved to a depot in the Airport Industrial Estate, the company then grew rapidly, however downsized and moved to a new base on Fir Covert Road. In 2012, Peoplemovers won many contracted and acquired five Bova Futura's, including one from Eastons, to run the services. They are probably most notable for running a service between Taverham High School Sixth Form and Hellesdon High School Sixth Form. Last year, a former Carters VanHool Alizee was acquired, and was due to be scrapped soon.
The Sprinter was found 36 hours later on the A47, and a download of its tachograph has revealed the time it was stolen.
Peoplemovers hope to sell the vehicles, and transfer the drivers and contracts with them.

Peoplemover E516 CDS seen on Fir Covert Road, heading back to the depot
after a days work. (c) Kieran Smith


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