Thursday 1 November 2012

Anglianbus HQ Visit - 30th October 2012

Regular Contributor Zak Nelson visited Anglians HQ in Ellough, Beccles on Tuesday and found a nice selection vehicles.

Ex Oxford Bus Company OW03LFN was present along side two of its sisters OW03LFK & OW03LFR.
It had a card in window for Service LS003.

Ex Stagecoach Trident X309NNO was having maintenance carried out. With its Number plate sitting inside at the windows.

Ex Brighton & Hove Trident T812RFG was sitting at the depot looking very smart in Anglian livery (what doesn't look smart with Anglian!), still without a new destination display, in its place is a rather unhelpful ABC. If only this was based at Rackheath and running service 123, the driver could be singing ABC its as simple as 123. (Sorry about that) Instead a paper card in the window which reads LS013.

Sister T813RFG is in livery with all vinyls except the front AnglianBus one. This was noted on 601 duties in Yarmouth on several occasions through out October.

Trident X384NNO was in Anglians workshop also having maintenance carried out. Which begs the question is their any ALX400 bodied bus not in maintenance  Its better than First though send out the bus with problems then carry out maintenance later once the bus has broke down full of passengers!

Trident East Lancs T811RFG is still in Brighton & Hove livery.
Zak says "This bus is used on a school route to Sir John Lehman according to the drivers card next to the steering wheel".

Ex Metrobus Scania YN03WRL is still in Red Livery, the same as YN03WRJ and Rackheath based YN03WRG. YN03WRP & YN03WRF have both been noted in livery and working 601/A service dutie.
See East Norfolk Bus Blog Report ''Latest AnglianBus Repaints".

Finally to end this post is Trident X251NNO working a 525 in Beccles, it had just returned from Lowestoft. As i'm sure most readers are aware that the 525 is soon to be extended to Norwich and re-branded as the 146 from the 3rd December 2012.

For those who don't know, number 146 was chosen was because it travels along the A146 to get to Norwich.

Many thanks to Zak Nelson for allowing me to use his pictures. All pictures used in the report are Copyright to him.

Check out Zaks Photostream for more excellent pictures!

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