Thursday 1 November 2012

New Konectbus deckers at HQ

Regular Contributor Kieran Smith visited the Konectbus HQ in Dereham on Halloween (Yesterday) to find three of Konects latest arrivals.

Two were in the form of Ex Brighton & Hove deckers, the other was one of the five Brand spanking new Enviro 400's for services 3 & 6.

As you can see from the picture, Ex B & H trident W823NNJ is in livery but is still awaiting vinyls.

W825NNJ is still in Brighton & Hove livery.
Fellow Ex B & H Trident W822NNJ is in livery with new Konectbus logo vinyls and has already seen service around Norwich filling in for the 54 Reg bendys on 604 Costessey Park & Ride duties. See Andys Bus Blog Norwich Report for picture in service.

These tridents will manly be used as spares.

SN62AVO is believed to be the second of the five Enviro 400's to have its vinyls applied, SN62AVG being the first to enter service. One of their sisters SN62AVZ was pictured by Kieran last week working service 3 in livery but without vinyls.

The full list of Enviro400's for services 3 & 6 are:

610 SN62AVG
611 SN62AVO
612 SN62AVR
613 SN62AVY
614 SN62AVZ

My thanks to Kieran for the pictures. All pictures used in the report are Copyrighted to him.
Check out more of Kierans excellent pictures on his Photostream.

1 comment:

  1. 611 was the 4th to have vinyls. 610/12/13 all had them last week. Just waiting on 614 now.


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