Tuesday 27 May 2014

37562 Enters Service

As reported on East Norfolk Bus Blog, 37562 FJ08FYN re-entered service today, now operating from her new depot in Lowestoft. Thanks to Roy's early morning post, I managed to work out which runs she would be operating and managed to capture her in Loddon working the 1515 service X2 from Norwich.

Although the plan was to apply her new vinyls on Sunday, 37562 is still void of all Lowestoft decals. 

I know yesterday I said that I was going to see the first day of full operation of the 99, but due to adverse weather conditions I decided it wasn't worth the long trip to the coast after all. Steve W has posted a short report on his blog informing us of which buses were in use, so if you're interested, then click on the link above.

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