Thursday 31 March 2016

Pink Line StreetDecks: Why are they so pale?

The initial buzz about the first two of FirstNorwich's new StreetDecks arriving yesterday should've died down by now, and so with thanks to one of my contacts at the company I can explain why the shade of pink they've chosen is the one that has been chosen.

35199 SK16GVY in Northern Ireland a few weeks ago © Phill McAlinney
It's simple really. They are in fact painted in 'Breast Cancer Pink', which is part of First's efforts to raise awareness of the issue. There was even a consultation with the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital about what colour should be chosen when the Network was revamped back in 2012 and seeing as it's the hospital route, what better colour than one that represents a disease which the NHS are spending a lot of their time trying to conquer. It wasn't just the hospital that took part in the consultation, the University of East Anglia also chose the colour for their route; blue. I was one of the few that quite liked the shade, and now I know what it represents I think I like it even more.

The rest of the buses will follow suit and will hit the road after they've had a new Norwich Network branding applied. This new look will raise the profile of the company even further. There will also be a launch at the N&N soon to celebrate the success of the Pink Line and the investment in the nine new vehicles.

For those who missed it, 35193 SK16GVR and 35194 SK16GVT arrived at Roundtree Way depot yesterday afternoon.

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